AYSO Region 106 is always looking for individuals who want to make our community a better place. One of the ways you can help is by volunteering as an AYSO Referee. We accept children 12 and older to volunteer as well, as Youth Volunteer Referees. Referee Training Classes are free and you can choose the matches you wish to officiate.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have not already registered as a volunteer for this year (Spring 2018/Fall 2017), please go to www.ayso106.org and register as a volunteer for AYSO Region 106. Use the e-signature option and bring a copy to any of the remaining registration dates on the "Register to Play" page along with government issued Picture ID (if dates are still available). If you miss a registration date, don't worry, you can still register as a volunteer. Please follow one of the below linked tutorials based on your needs:
How to become a volunteer.
region106-becomeacertifiedvolunteer master.pdf
region106-becomeacertifiedvolunteer master.pdf
New Account - Volunteer Registration Tutorial: Note this tutorial is a little out of date. Please follow the Youth Volunteer Registration Tutorial listed below until you get to Step 5. Select Referee instead of Youth Referee. The steps after that are pretty similar for an Adult Volunteer and will guide you through the rest.
Existing Account - Volunteer Registration Tutorial
Volunteer Background Check Consent Tutorial
Also, if you have a child who wishes to volunteer as a referee, please follow the below linked tutorial to get them registered as a volunteer (a must):
Youth Volunteer Registration Tutorial
If you are an AYSO Certified Referee and want to officiate a match or two, but are unsure how to do so, please contact the Regional Referee Administrator at [email protected].