Practice Space is very limited. Please adhere to the following rules:
• Teams are to practice no more than two times a week and for no more than 1 ½ hour per practice.
U5 & U6 Teams are limited to one practice a week for no more than 1 hour 15 minutes.
• Teams are only to practice at fields and times designated for their division.
• Coaches are not to set up more than 15 minutes before practice.
• If asked to move by a park or school official, please do so without argument. If you feel they were wrong, please notify a representative from the region for clarification.
• Teams practicing at Mayfair Park will have very limited space. We strongly encourage the use of other facilities.
Fall 2022 Permits
No permits on the following dates: 09/05/2022, 09/09/22, 10/14/2022, 10/31/2022, 11/11/22, 11/25/22, 11/28/22